Total Formation: The Graduate at Graduation

The Graduate at Graduation drives Saint Patrick’s student programming and is centered around our mission to educate the whole child - mind, body, and spirit. It is a blueprint for guiding our students become joyful, intelligent, and productive servant leaders through their development in six areas: the Life of Mind, the Life of Character and Courage, the Life of Relationship, the Life of Spirit, the Life of Vocation, and the Life of Health and Wellness.

The journey begins the moment a student becomes a Wolfhound. The goals set forth in each of the "Life Ofs" of the Graduate at Graduation are intended to guide students to be self-reflective and internally motivated. As a result, our graduates develop a compassionate world view in which they see themselves as empowered and responsible for making a difference in the world.

List of 6 items.

  • Life of Mind

    Students of Saint Patrick Catholic School will develop critical thinking skills, a creative mind, a methodical and reasoned approach to problem solving, and a passion for lifelong learning and the pursuit of truth. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate:

    • Effective written and oral communication skills and strong reading comprehension in the English language;
    • Quality work in all academic studies, including the STEM disciplines (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math);
    • Appreciation for the great works of writers, artists, philosophers, and scientists;
    • Knowledge of United States history and the responsibilities that come with citizenship;
    • Proficiency in the Spanish language;
    • Confidence in public speaking;
    • Research skills and practices involving the ethical use of technology to deepen learning;
    • Capacity to reflect upon one’s personal experiences in order to form judgments and make needed changes in one’s life; 
    • Art of reasoning and questioning to define and solve problems; 
    • Ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate information from a wide range of sources; 
    • Original authorship and academic integrity; 
    • Imagination and perseverance in pursuit of innovation and artistry; 
    • Personal organization skills, including effective time management, study habits, project planning, and follow-through necessary to produce quality work.
    • Skill in creative expression through the Visual and Performing Arts.
  • Life of Character & Courage

    Students of Saint Patrick Catholic School will develop the character strengths essential to leading lives of consequence as ethical, compassionate, and courageous servant leaders. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate:

    • Passion and perseverance in the pursuit of their long-term goals through the daily discipline of deliberate practice, with the optimistic belief that they will improve with effort and the gritty determination not to give up when the going gets tough.
    • A sense of meaning to their work, especially in service to the needs of others.
    • A growth mindset fueling their capacity to learn from setbacks and failures, while purposefully challenging themselves to improve upon their innate talents in order to achieve their highest potential. 
    • The courage necessary to do the right thing, even when it is not the popular or expedient thing to do.
    • The optimism required to overcome hardship by training their minds to understand that setbacks in life are not the result of something inherently or permanently wrong with them but actually learning opportunities enabling them to improve with effort.
    • The self-confidence to confront their fears and self-doubts through personal reflection and the courage to combat those fears and self-doubts through purposeful effort.
    • The resilience to fight back against adversity and never surrender to a fate not of their choosing.
    • The self-control and persistence necessary to develop good, productive habits, while avoiding distractions or immediate gratification that undermine the opportunity for real achievement.
    • The strengths of the head, gut, and heart, necessary to discern what’s most important, to never compromise their integrity, and to always consider the needs of others when deciding on the correct course of action.
  • Life of Spirit

    Students of Saint Patrick Catholic School will develop spiritual depth based on prayer, Church teachings, religious worship, and service to others. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate: 

    • Knowledge of the Catholic Church's teachings, sacraments, and traditions;
    • Embracing the model of Jesus that manifests itself through service and love shown to others;
    • Moral choices based on a well-formed conscience and the teachings of the Church;
    • Ability to articulate the tenets of their faith;
    • Awareness of world religions and appropriate respect for their different faith traditions;
    • Reverence for the sanctity of human life;
    • Stewardship of God’s creation found in our natural environment;
    • Commitment to continue their sacramental and spiritual growth.
  • Life of Relationship

    Saint Patrick Catholic School students will care for others, nurture healthy relationships, live out Christian values, and grow in self-esteem. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate: 
    • God’s love by extending that love to self, family, friends and neighbors; 
    • Relationships founded on Christian values; 
    • Trusting and lasting friendships; 
    • Empathy for others, especially those different from themselves; 
    • Active participation in the life of the School and community; 
    • Repudiation of bullying and other forms of unkindness; 
    • Skill in resolving conflicts; 
    • Respect for the equal dignity of each human being; 
    • Passion for justice; 
    • Commitment to helping the poor, sick, lonely, and those who have lost hope;
    • Honorable behavior and the integrity of an ethical leader.
  • Life of Vocation

    Students of Saint Patrick Catholic School will learn to embody the principles of servant leadership. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate:

    • Christian leadership by putting their faith into action to serve others;
    • Leadership in school and community settings through practice of the J.O.Y. Principle (Jesus, Others, then Yourself);
    • Manners and a sense of courtesy exhibiting respect for the dignity of others;
    • Trustworthiness in what they say and do;
    • Belief in their ability to lead lives of purpose, changing their community and the world for the better;
    • Good citizenship in service to our school and local community and admiration for those who serve our country.
  • Life of Health & Wellness

    Students of Saint Patrick Catholic School will value a healthy and well-rounded lifestyle that promotes the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being necessary for a productive and happy life. At the time of graduation, Saint Patrick Catholic School students will demonstrate:

    • Commitment to healthy nutrition and exercise;
    • Discipline, perseverance, and courage in overcoming harmful messages from peers, the prevailing culture and social media; 
    • Teamwork through sports, activities, clubs, or community projects;
    • Daily habits that promote physical health and mental well-being;
    • Understanding of the moral responsibility to care for their bodies and minds;
    • Belief in their ability to change their lives for the better;
    • Sense of purpose that nourishes their self-worth and commitment to helping others.
"While I was a student at Saint Patrick, I had close relationships with my teachers. When I got to high school, I found that I had an advantage over my peers in my ability to create relationships with my teachers and to advocate for myself."

--Renee, Graduate of The Medical and Health Specialties Program at Maury High School