
Welcome to our exchange students from The Rochester School in Bogotá, Colombia! Luciana (Eighth Grade), Manuela (Seventh Grade), and Diego (Sixth Grade) arrived just in time for the first day of school.

This fall marks the ninth year our families are hosting students from the Rochester School. The Rochester School, like Saint Patrick Catholic School, is an independent Catholic School and a Glasser Quality School. Saint Patrick is the only school in the region offering an extended language and cultural immersion program for Middle School students. The students will stay for ten weeks, enrolling in our rigorous curriculum earning transferable credits for their school. They are also able to participate in our fall sports programs. 
Although Spanish is their native language, these Colombian students have studied English extensively in their bilingual school. Most American exchange programs for this age group last only one or two weeks because of the delicate nature of adolescent development. However, these Colombian students are prudently selected, and host families are carefully vetted, to ensure a positive and enriching experience for everyone involved. They will be fully immersed in the English language and American culture for a more authentic exchange than is readily available for this age group. These exchange students truly enrich the lives of Saint Patrick students and their host families.
We also have two sisters from The Rochester School who have chosen to spend the entire school year with us. Angela-Estefania (Sixth Grade) and Angela-Maria (Eighth Grade) moved here in August with their mother and will be with us through graduation in June.  
Estamos muy contentos que están aquí!